Registration request will be accepted subject to the submission of following Documents to Manager(Cargo), CMS Section, MUMBAI CARGO SERVICE CENTER AIRPORT PVT. LTD. within 5 days of submission of request:

1. Print out of Registration Request indicating User ID / Registration ID. 
2. Request letter from authorised signatory.
3. Agents are required to open a Pre Deposit (PD) Account with Accounts dept. of MUMBAI CARGO SERVICE CENTER AIRPORT PVT. LTD.
4. Any of the following documents:
    (a)  Airlines - Copy of IATA / DGCA Approval.
    (b)  Custom House Agents - Copy of valid CB License and PAN Copy.
    (c)  IATA Agents - Copy of valid IATA Certificate and PAN Copy.
    (d)  Break Bulk Agents - Copy of Customs Approval.
    (e)  Exporters / Importers - Vaild I/E code by DGFT / Customs Authorisation document.
    (f)   Other Agencies - Authorisation letter on the company letter head for registration duly signed and stamped by the competent authority. (Please
           also  bring all originals for verification)




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